Phone Plus Services Of NGN (Next Generation Network) Technology


1) Centrex O/G call:- the two digit centrex no. (short code) like AB is now changed to ABAB. 3 or 4 digit Centrex no. (short code) is unchanged.
2) Non-Centrex O/G call:- Henceforth NGN customers has to press "0" instead of "9" for making O/G call beyond Centrex Group (non-centrex O/G call).

Customers are requested to verify their numbers by dialing "164":-

Re-registration of Phone Plus Services after upgradation to NGN

STD/ISD Electronic Locking

For registration, dial 123 0000 ABCD and wait for acceptance tone. Here ABCD is the password having any value except 0000.
Procedure for locking & unlocking after successful registration
dial 124 ABCD 0 for all STD/ISD, local calls O/G allowed
dial 124 ABCD 1 for only local call, Other Operator (Local) & 94, 89, O/G calls
dial 124 ABCD 2 for only local BSNL call & 94, 89 O/G calls
dial 124 ABCD 3 for all STD/local calls O/G except ISD allowed
dial 124 ABCD 4 for BARRING all O/G calls

Other phone plus services e.g. abbreviated dialing , hot line, wake-up morning alarm, call waiting, call transfer/ forwarding etc. are to be reactivated with the existing procedures, given below:-.

Call waiting

Activation- Dial 118 and get the acceptance tone
Deactivation:-Dial 119 and get the acceptance tone.

Abbreviated Dialing

Registration of abbrv code:- Dial 110 YY XXXXXXXX; where YY is abbreviated code for tel no. XXXXXXXX
Dial 111 YY to dial tel no. XXXXXXXX using abbreviated code

Hot Line

Contact concerned exchange incharge for activation of hot line/ delay hot line facility

Call Transfer/ Call Forward

Activation- Dial 114 XXXXXXXX and get the acceptance tone
Deactivation:-Dial 115 and get the acceptance tone; XXXXXXXX is forwarded no.

Wake-up morning alarm

Activation- Dial 116 AABB get the acceptance tone where AA:BB is time of alarm booked in 24 hours format
Deactivation:-Dial 117 AABB and get the acceptance tone.

New facilities like all India IP-centrex facility, 8 party video conference at selected locations in India, parallel ring etc. are also available in NGN technology.

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